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All workshops and training are led by Victoria Hackett, M.Ed. Whether your workshop is online or onsite, Victoria blends theory with hands-on problem-solving techniques, true-to-life anecdotes, valuable tips, and lively participation. Her extensive experience as a consultant/trainer/mentor and her background as a Natural Teacher allow her to bring profound knowledge and a pragmatic approach to every workshop she teaches.
Showing all 45 results
10 Easy Ways to get Kids Birding
$37.00 -
Budding Naturalists: Journaling with Kids
$37.00 -
Buddy Builders: 10 Getting Acquainted Activities
$37.00 -
Children, Mindfulness, and Nature
$37.00 -
Compost 101
$37.00 -
Create a Pollinator Garden
$37.00 -
Discover Habitats and Camouflage
$37.00 -
Easy Recipes from Gardens that Feed
$37.00 -
Explore the Natural World with Infants and Toddlers
$37.00 -
Explore the Plant World in Four Types of Gardens
$37.00 -
Herbal Adventures
$37.00 -
Just Add Water!
$37.00 -
Let’s Explore Math Outdoors
$37.00 -
Let’s Explore Sun, Light, and Shadow Play
$37.00 -
Let’s Make Curriculum-on-the-Go Kits
$37.00 -
Let’s Talk Trees
$37.00 -
Let’s Talk Wildflowers
$37.00 -
Little Hands, Big Harvest: Seed Starting Fun with Kids
$37.00 -
Mud Kitchen Madness
$37.00 -
Nature Based Curriculum Using Loose Parts
$37.00 -
Nature Narratives: The Art of Outdoor Storytelling
$37.00 -
Nature’s Clues: The Art of Wildlife Tracking
$37.00 -
Nurture Imagination in a Waldorf-Inspired Outdoor Classroom
$37.00 -
Outdoor Icebreakers, Circle Time & Group Activities
$37.00 -
Outdoor Winter Activities for Infants and Toddlers
$37.00 -
Outdoor Winter Activities for Preschoolers
$37.00 -
Rain, Rain Please Stay
$37.00 -
Reconnect and Renew using Nature: For Educators
$37.00 -
Reggio Inspired Outdoor Environments That Teach
$37.00 -
Sensational Seeds
$37.00 -
Sobel’s Children & Nature Design Principles
$37.00 -
STEAM Outdoors in Winter
$37.00 -
STEAM Outdoors with School Age Children
$37.00 -
Story Stones: Weaving Tales Through Pebbles
$37.00 -
The 100 Languages of Reggio-Inspired Outdoor Classrooms
$37.00 -
The Alphabet Garden
$37.00 -
The Art of Mindful Mandala Making
$37.00 -
The Playful Teaching Garden
$37.00 -
The Square Foot Garden
$37.00 -
The Storybook Garden
$37.00 -
The Three Sisters Garden
$37.00 -
Transform Your Backyard into a Teaching Garden
$37.00 -
Transition to Outdoor Learning
$37.00 -
Winter-Inspired Outdoor Classroom Design and Curriculum
$37.00 -
Winter-Inspired Storytelling