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Workshop Description:
- 1 Hour Workshop
- Pre-recorded
Have you ever made a Mandala with children? Did you know Mandalas enhance creativity, along with a deeper connection with the self, nature, and the universe? The word “Mandala” means circle, and in this time of uncertainty they can act as the perfect tool to exercise mindfulness. In this workshop, we are exploring a variety of Mandalas, and discovering best practices for introducing them to children. We will explore how to put nature’s loose parts together to create art. Let’s get centered with Mandalas!
Course Features:
- Lifetime access
- Participation certificate
In this 1-hour workshop, you will
- Learn how to prepare you and your children for joyful experiences making Mandalas outdoors.
- Discover tips and tricks for creating beautiful Mandalas with young children.
- Explore the value of symmetry and design.
- Fill your Nature-Based Toolbox with Mandala-making activities, games, and ideas.

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Our Foundation course gives you a framework for focusing on the right things at the right time within your outdoor teaching practice; enabling you to layer in the key strategies and tactics that will help you grow your Outdoor Classroom.

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