The Seeds of Inspiration Learning Card Deck is an idea generator for your Outdoor Classroom. The deck features photographs from The Four Types of Gardens; Gardens that Feed; Gardens that Attract Wildlife; Garden for Art and Beauty; and Gardens as Learning Stations. Each card offers questions as prompts to guide your Outdoor Classroom design and nature-based curriculum for teaching outdoors.
How to Use the Cards:
There are no wrong answers. Use the cards as Icebreakers, Problem Solving, Creative Inspirations, and Curriculum Ideas. Or choose cards you are drawn to and let the images and “seeds” spark your imagination. Come up with your own questions and simply let your imagination grow. With the Seeds of Inspiration Learning Card Deck, anyone can make an Outdoor Classroom.
Hi Victoria,
I just wanted to send a little message to say how much I am LOVING the Seeds of Inspiration Deck! The photographs are absolutely stunning and as I went through each card, I had so many thoughts of how I might use these. I keep a nature shelf at home year-round and one thing I’ve found to be a really lovely addition is to display a card on a small wooden easel for inspiration. And an amazing thing that happened that I didn’t necessarily envision was that as I was going through my cards one evening, my five-year-old sat next to me and wanted to look at them as well. He asked me to read him the back of each and every card! He also shared his own ideas with many of the reflections and prompts on the back. I had envisioned this deck being used by adults and with other parents and educators but I never thought about the power of sharing them with our target group, the children! I am so glad my son gave me the idea! Thank you for creating such a useful and thoughtful product for outdoor educators and for your dedication to getting children back out the door and into the garden!
All the best,
Play-At-Home Mom
Lead Nature-Based Playground and Forest Storytimes
From the moment you pick up this deck of cards, you can’t wait to use them. To begin with, they are aesthetically appealing with beautiful nature photos that hint at the activity suggested on the other side. Color-coded designs orient you to one of four categories of outdoor learning experiences: Art & Beauty, Learning Stations, Gardens that Feed, and those that Attract Wildlife. Each card provides two ways into the topic: a hands-on experience, and a challenge to extend this by thinking deeper and inviting unique explorations. Each of the activities offers numerous connections to the basic curriculum in school and beyond; there are suggestions for discovering connections to math, literacy, the arts, history, social studies, and science. Grounded in theory such as loose parts, integrated and transdisciplinary learning, and environmental education, these cards are sure to be an instant go-to resource for teachers both new to and experienced with outdoor learning.
Valerie Bang-Jensen
Professor of Education
Co-director of The Teaching Gardens of Saint Michael’s College
The Seeds of Inspiration Cards are absolutely beautiful and colorful. You can use the cards in so many ways. I shared these cards with Refugee Families to discuss the importance of taking children out in nature. These cards bring a lot of discussion on the research and how being in nature benefits children. These cards also brought memories for families as they remember the country they left behind. These cards are universal as it can be used in any program and in any country in the world.
British Columbia, Canada

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