by Boston Web Design | May 24, 2023
Workshop Description: Do you opt out of going outdoors to teach in Winter? Do you see your outdoor space as a dark, frozen space that lacks imagination? In this workshop, we learn how to enhance outdoor learning in cold weather. In doing this we will look at Case...
by Boston Web Design | May 24, 2023
Workshop Description: A study from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that children are more likely to engage in active play while outdoors then when indoors. In this workshop, we marry STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art & math) outdoors with...
by Boston Web Design | May 18, 2023
Workshop Description: How do you feel as an educator? Did you know burnout is becoming a phenomenon and stress is an epidemic? What if we took care of our well-being as well as the children in our care? What would that look like? How would that feel? Are you burnt out...
by Boston Web Design | May 17, 2023
Workshop Description: In this workshop, we will share ideas, activities, and resources to encourage preschoolers to get involved in water science! Water play activities help to develop and strengthen children’s gross and fine motor skills by lifting, pouring,...
by Boston Web Design | May 17, 2023
Workshop Description: Come learn how to get started with exploring Math Outdoors. Let’s talk about all the things number explorations, outdoor math measurement, outdoor patterns, and relationships. We share outdoor math activities, resources, and book lists on...
by Boston Web Design | May 17, 2023
Workshop Description: The Reggio Emilia Approach is a blend of theory and practice that is based upon decades of research in early childhood development. Founder Loris Malaguzzi designed a teaching approach that is alive, creative, emergent, and is the perfect guide...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: The idea of “the hundred languages” was originally born of a poem written by Loris Malaguzzi, and later became a famous educational topic. It begins, “The child is made of one hundred. The child has a hundred languages a hundred hands a...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: Come learn and explore how to introduce seeds to children through dissection, sorting, comparing, and contrasting. Discover their location in fruits, vegetables, and in the environment. Introduce children to the mystery of seed travel and what...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: Did you know that composting is nature’s way of recycling? Come learn all the different ways to introduce composting to children and how yard waste and food scraps are broken down and become food for plants. This workshop is jam-packed with...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: Pack up your own foraging kit, and get crafty with ideas from our Herbal Adventure workshop. Learn how herbs can provide the perfect backdrop for nature-inspired activities. Discover the magical plants that are growing just beyond your door, then...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: There are significant differences between gardening for art and beauty and gardening for pollinators. Join us and learn about pollinators, their characteristics, and their needs. Discover how to connect pollinator gardens to nature-based...
by Boston Web Design | May 16, 2023
Workshop Description: There has never been a better time to reevaluate our teaching methods and to rethink how we are educating our children. The systems we had in place before COVID-19 hit, for inspired children to learn we less than. Now is the time to get started...
by Boston Web Design | May 15, 2023
Workshop Description: Have you ever lost track of time when you were doing something you truly love to do? What about times when you are with friends collaborating on a project or just simply being together. This is the essence of play. It’s for all ages. In...
by Boston Web Design | May 15, 2023
Workshop Description: Who is David Sobel and what are his 7 Design Principles for Children and Nature? Just as Howard Gardner had identified a set of intelligence for children, David Sobel, a place-based educator, identified a set of play themes that emerge when...
by Boston Web Design | May 13, 2023
Workshop Description: Are you thinking about bringing your class outdoors for circle time, but don’t know where to start? Find the perfect icebreaker for your group. Icebreakers are a wonderful way to warm up any group. When done correctly, icebreakers, circle...
by Boston Web Design | May 13, 2023
Workshop Description: My own COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine-inspired garden story is about my Square Foot raised garden expansion made from recycled wood. This project allowed me to try something new in my Backyard Teaching Garden. Time in the garden has been...
by Boston Web Design | May 13, 2023
Workshop Description: When I saw my first alphabet garden I was totally mesmerized. This garden was so much more than letters stuck in the ground. My mind started bubbling over with activity ideas and ways to weave this garden into the curriculum. Then I set out to...
by Boston Web Design | May 9, 2023
Workshop Description: Have you ever been on a walk with children and wondered what the names of all the plants were? Habitats are places where many diverse plants can be found. Some plants arrive “on their own” while others arrive with some help. As...
by Boston Web Design | May 4, 2023
Workshop Description: What is a Three Sister Garden? The crops of corn, beans, and squash are known as the Three Sisters. These three crops complement each other and have been the center of Native American agriculture and culinary traditions for centuries. Part of my...
by Boston Web Design | May 4, 2023
Workshop Description: What is a Habitat? A habitat can be defined as “an area or environment in which an organism or group of organisms lives and grows.” These can be big words for young children; however, when you unpack and start talking about habitats...