More than Mud Pies: Making a Mud Kitchen


More than Mud Pies: Make a Mud Kitchen is a fun exploration of how to use mud as a teaching tool and create your own one-of-a-kind Mud Kitchen.

In this Master Class, you will:

  • Let go of the traditional ways of teaching and find freedom with Mud Play.
  • Make your own one-of-a-kind Mud Kitchen that sparks your children’s imaginations and engages their creative thinking.
  • Discover and implement different ways to teach children math, science, and art using mud.
  • Invite open-ended play and support child development in your outdoor classroom.
  • Enjoy happy, engaged, healthy, and curious children.

By the end of this Master Class, your hesitation and questions about letting your children learn in the mud will be gone and you’ll be eager to jump in too!

You get:

  • 4 Modules with videos, handouts, and ideas galore!
    • Module 1: Get Inspired & Choose a Location
    • Module 2: Mud Kitchen Studies
    • Module 3: Behind the Scenes
    • Module 4: Mud Play & Mud Activities
  • If you are not already a member, you are invited to join 2 LIVE Sessions in our Circle Membership Community
  • 15-Hour Participation Certificate to honor your time and commitment!
  • A new community of like-minded educators from all over the world!



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Do you remember making mud pies as a child?

Or the hours and hours of simple open-ended play outdoors where you lost track of time?

Mud is a fabulous medium for exploration and discovery for children. And creating a Mud Kitchen can add a “mud-luscious world” into your program.

But… you’re not so sure. After all, you don’t want a class full of young children covered in mud.

And you’re not so keen on the idea of being covered in the mud either!

In fact, most of the time, you’re saying “No!” every time your kids head for the mud.

Why would you invite an activity that lets them dive in?

Okay…. it’s true. Mud is a little tricky to work with. As a parent and a teacher of young children, I had some of exact same worries and concerns.


  • What if you could use mud as a teaching tool and eliminate all the worry about messy kids after playing in the mud?
  • What if there was an easy way to invite children to become scientists, cooks, entrepreneurs, and artists while playing with mud?
  • What if you could make a lasting Mud Kitchen that parents, teachers, and families embrace?

With a Mud Kitchen, you can stop saying “No!” and give your children the freedom to get dirty and explore without hesitation. And you get the pleasure of having happy, healthy children as a result!


“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.” E.E. Cummings